Handcrafted Jewels Rope Horse Tack


International Orders

Rope Horse Halters
Open Nose Halter
Lead Ropes/Longe Lines
Bitless Bridles
Training Aids/Sticks
Bulk Rope
Metal Items
Barrel Racing & Roping Items

Clearance Rope Tack

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Mail Order
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International orders are welcome.

If you would like to purchase items and do not live in the US, please email me a list of items wanted and I can get you a total with shipping.

Please be sure to clarify the type of rope you want and snaps!!

I will also need your country to figure shipping.

Or order from the website and I will email you a link where you can pay for the extra shipping cost if need be or a refund will be given if the website figures the shipping incorrectly.

Thank You


Handcrafted Jewls@aol.com


Handcrafted Jewels Rope Horse Tack. All rights reserved.

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